From Anger to Enlightenment    From Anger to Enlightenment

Recent Posts by Robert Palasciano

Trauma Induced Stress and The Impact of Nightmares

Trauma Induced Stress and The Impact of Nightmares Robert J. Palasciano      Like many of you survivors, the quality of my night’s sleep rules the quality of my days. We don’t dream like everyone else. The traumatic events we’ve experienced have somehow changed the way we dream. So here’s what twenty three years of…
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I am building a Road…

     I am building a Road... Robert Palasciano I am building a road, to where I do not know. It is a road that must be walked with bare feet and it is sometimes forsaken and paved with shards of glass. Yet it is still my road to build and I will never stop.…
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My Survivor’s Perspective

My Survivor’s Perspective Robert Palasciano The following story, serves as my constant reminder of what happens when people fail to value human life before monetary wealth. On one particular Friday afternoon in March of 2012, I had a business meeting with a man named Mark. He began to tell me about a client he just…
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Trauma Induced Stress is NOT a disorder!

Trauma Induced Stress is NOT a disorder! Robert Palasciano      I believe the term Trauma Induced Stress more appropriately describes how we Survivors feel. I believe this term removes the negative connotation of the word disorder from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. We have been induced with stress through traumatic events. We did…
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